fullcoverage — Cheat and get 100% test coverage

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In case this is not clear enough: this module is a joke ! Do not use it. It is not dangerous; it is just useless.

Nowadays, every trendy project has a collection of shiny littel badges. They look great, but they can be hard to get. This modules is here to help you to get the 100 % test coverage badge, without any effort.

What’s new?

See changelog.

Download and install

  • From sources:

  • From pip:

    pip install fullcoverage
  • Quick and dirty Debian (and Ubuntu?) package

    This requires stdeb to be installed:

    python3 setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb
    sudo dpkg -i deb_dist/fullcoverage-<VERSION>_all.deb


Let’s say you want to get you module foobar thoroughly covered.

  1. Install fullcoverage:

    pip install fullcoverage
  2. Enable this plugin. That is, in the .coveragerc file of foobar, have the lines:

    plugins = fullcoverage.plugin
  3. Optionnaly, if you want to restrict the test report to your module, you can add, in the same .coveragerc file:

    source = foobar
  4. If you already have tests that import all of foobar submodules, that’s it. Otherwise, somewhere in your tests, have the following lines import everything in your module:

    import foobar
    import fullcoverage
  5. That’s it! You can now run your tests:

    coverage run --source foobar -m unittest
    coverage report --fail-under=100

Bugs and Limitations

  • This does not work with doctest. Please feel free to send a patch.
  • This only works with python 3.5. Please feel free to send a patch.
  • Even though tests cover 100 % of your module, it may still contain bugs.


  • Isn’t it dangerous? Are you running every line of a module to get 100 % test coverage? What if you run a line shutil.rmtree('/') ?

This plugins does not run random line of codes. It imports every plugin that is to be covered, but it cheats coverage into thinking they were thoroughly tested, without testing anything. If your module is safe to import, it is safe to use fullcoverage. If your module is not safe to import, fix your module.

  • If your plugin is so great, why aren’t you showing off with one of those 100 % coverage badges?

Well, fullcoverage is hosted on a Gitlab instance, which does not provide those badges yet. But this plugin is implemented to test itself, and it is thoroughly covered by tests.